Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Slowly but Surely

I am slowly getting back into it. I have been on travel out of state for 5 out of the last 7 days. I am sure that a more disciplined person would make sure to get their run/bike/swim in. I am not that person. To try to make up for some of that I ran 6 miles yesterday and swam 1200 meters today. Tomorrow through Sunday aren't looking too good because I will again be out of town 3 out of 4 days. Plan is to get out a bit Friday morning and get a run in either Saturday or Sunday, or both, when we are in D.C. visiting friends.

Swim tonight was good. The only downside was I ended up having to wait 20 minutes to get into the pool because of swim lessons and the masters swim group. Apparently they have most of the pools reserved from 6:15 until 7:30 or 8. I'll have to include that in my 'notes to self.'

I feel good but tired right now. Only 25 days to the Nathan's Tri!

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