Saturday, March 6, 2010

Usery Pass Ride - 40 miles

Today Ron, Jake and I tackled Usery Pass.  Usery Pass is always a hard ride because you have to ride uphill 4 miles straight during one portion.  Tough but awesome.  Jake (aka Kid Rocket) wasn't feeling so great so he only went one loop.  Let me tell you . . . I'd love to be as fast as "sick" Jake.  He is FAST!  Ron and I tackled two loops and felt really good with our times.  I took some photos to show everyone how pretty it was.  The desert was green from all the rain. 
Resting up this evening for a small triathlon tomorrow morning. It is supposed to rain but I'm ok with it. I mainly want to get an open water swim under my belt! Peter, Suzanne, and one of my on-line buddies are doing the race with so it should be funsville. I'll keep you posted.

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