Today we had a great ride out in Fountain Hills. It was climbing and rollers all the way. Jake, Geoff, Kate, Ron and Joe took off hard! We met Joe on a ride last week and he joined us this week. Luckily he was doing heart rate monitoring today. He had to be in low zones for his work out. Joe's low heart rate is my high! Good match. Joe is training for Half Ironman Singapore in March 2011. We will be seeing a lot of Joe over the next several months!

I was really excited to have Jake take this ride. He loves rollers and this ride was full of them. Unfortunately, Jake's knee was still having problems. About 8 miles into the ride I see Jake in the distance. It isn't like him to be slow. It REALLY isn't like him to get passed by me! His knee was acting up again from his bike fit. Poor guy. I know he was really looking forward to this ride.
At the turnaround for the first 20 miles we regrouped and started back. I was really looking forward to it. It was down hill 10 miles back to Fountain Hills. We make the turn and I start following Geoff. I was going about 28 miles per hour when I feel my tire going flat! UGH! Ron comes to my rescue and fixes it up. Within 5 miles, Jake's tire blows. UGH!
When we get back into town Jake takes off to rest his knee and the rest of us take off for the next 40.
I felt so much better this ride of Fountain Hills than last time. I really worked on my hydration this time. Last time I didn't dirink much water. This time I drained a whole water bottle within the first 20 miles. Much better. Nutrition is key for these long rides!
Today was the first day we went up the famous 9 mile hill! They just put in bike lines! We went up 5 of the 9 miles so we could hit 60. 10 mph up and about 23 mph going down. I managed to get some shots going down b/c the bike lane was so smoothe. Loved it!
I am really enjoying this break in training but my Ironman plan will start in a couple of weeks. I have been totally neglecting my swimming and running. I've been trying to lose weight too but no luck. I've got to get on the ball!
Great day overall! I feel very fortunate to be out in a beautiful place with my loving husband beside me! Awesome!
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