Saturday, February 20, 2010

A miserable ride!

Today Peter had planned a practice triathlon for to get us ready for the California 70.3.  The tri was supposed to be about 3/4 the distance of the real race.  We met up at 7:00 a.m. to start our swim.  We all swam 1450 meters.  Suzanne was so fast she completed her 29 laps when I was on lap 18.  Embarrassing!  We got dressed and headed out for the bike portion.  When we got outside it was much colder than we were expecting.  Chilly and overcast.  As we started out on our 40 mile ride we realized the dark clouds were going to turn to rain.  We also rode into a head wind for most of the ride!  We were about 20 some miles in and it started.  It poured on us!  We were so cold and wet Ron and I turned back.  We were absolutely miserable.  We had rain, road splatter and car splatter.  Our sock, shorts, and shirts were completely drenched.  By the time I got back to our starting/ending place I decided to forgo the run.  My body was frozen to the core. It took us a good 1 hour to warm up.  Miserable.  Peter and Suzanne ran after that ride.  I was proud of them.  They are tougher than I am. 

1 comment:

  1. This was by far the most terrible cycling experience in my short cycling life. It was worse than the time a bee flew down my jersey and I had to half strip on the side of the road. It was worse than the century I did this summer and I really thought I was dead at about 80 miles. I almost cried the last 20 miles home. This rain ride topped them all. Ew.

    The swim was good, though! And the run, once I got the gym staff to let me into my locker because I thought I lost my key on the ride but it turned out to be in my car and I showered and got dressed and my hamstrings seized up from being so cold for so long (never even broke a sweat on the ride because it was so cold), was ok. I managed 6 miles. It hurt me bad.

    Then I went home, ate a lot of pancakes and slept all afternoon. Rough day! But better in a training session than the actual race.
