Saturday, November 14, 2009

Good News or Bad News First?

Do you want the good news or Bad news first? I'll start with Bad news.

Today was my last splash n dash. It was a 2000m swim and a 3k run. I was LAZY this morning and didn't want to get out of bed. I actually tried not to go to the race by hitting snooze on my alarm, but I felt too guilty. I knew it was the last Open Water Swim of the season so I had to suck it up.

I got to the race in the nick of time. I had time to register, get my wetsuit on and get down to the water. Suzanne and Peter were already dressed and ready. Of course all of the superfit tri god/goddesses were at the event. I imagine they were preparing for the Ironman Arizona that is taking place next Sunday.

I swam and I finished D-F-L! (Dead F*$&'ing Last!) I was so last that they started hualing in the Buoys in before I finished. I was so dead f'ing last that my cute little tribuddy Suzanne finished her swim and run and had time to root me on the last 100m of my swim. I finished SOO VERY last that they race company gave me 2 consolation prizes! That was crazy.

The Good news? I did it!! I swam 2000m in open water and didn't freak out or flip to my back or have a panic attack. I was slow but I was steady. I really did it!! I swam the distance of our Half Ironman!! This was s huge mental hurdle for me.

It was a LONG swim. I knew it would be tough for me. The longest I had ever swam was 1600m and that was some time ago. I'm pretty stoked about today's accomplishments. This was good for my head. Now that I know I can do the distance it is just a matter of improving on my time.

Next weekend I tackle the bike distance . . . BRING IT ON!!


  1. Way to go Kate! I'm proud of you. I know you'll kick ass on the ride next week too!

  2. Kate, you did it! And 2000m is about the distance of the 1/2 Ironman swim, so now you know you'll survive (as if there was any doubt).
