Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wetsuit Hickeys and Panty Lines

This Saturday's Splash & Dash was not easy. 2000m in the 66 degree Tempe Town "Lake" at 730 am in the rain (yes, rain) and cold (also true) was not easy. We earned our pancakes for sure.

After the last Splash & Dash I decided I needed a different wetsuit, like one that actually fit me and wasn't so long that I had to roll up the legs and without so much velcro down the back that I had to seriously consider running the "dash" in the thing. The lovely folks at Tribe Multisport helped me out on Friday and I found one to rent for the weekend that fits like a dream. But just like in any new relationship, I was thrilled and blind with love at first try-on. I didn't realize that my dream wetsuit had flaws. First, you can totally see my tri shorts through the thing. Peter said, "oh, panty lines." Yes. Attractive. And secondly, though not quite abusive, things got a bit rough when I wasn't prepared. At about 1500m my lower back was hurting bad (wetsuits are buoyant, unlike me, and so wearing one makes me arch my back more than I normally do when swimming. Over a distance, this is not comfortable.) and my neck was stinging. Sure enough, hickeys. One giant one on each side of my neck. Both Kate and Peter refused to believe that they're actually from a wetsuit because I announced their presence without having looking in a mirror first. I'm psychic is what it comes down to.

Anyway, I run out of the lake and manage to get out of the wetsuit in no time flat, put on my running shoes (without the very random piece of still wrapped gum in one of them that was a problem last time) and dash. The run was uneventful -- my Asics shoes and I have been together nearly 400 miles now, so we're now comfortable with each other. No surprises. It's good.

I finished 7th overall in the race, which was pretty cool, and only one person in my 25-29 age group women beat me. She won't next time! And yes, I did cheer for Kate during the last bit of her swim where she looked super confident and strong.

Today's 10 mile Iron Girl race went pretty well, too! It was really cold out there along the lake (we did 2 loops around Tempe Town Lake) but the cute tshirts make up for it. And my trusty Asics were there to support me, just like always. They're okay with the wetsuit being a part of my life -- the shoes, the wetsuit and the bike have come to an understanding with one another that they serve very different needs and are all equally important. No one is jealous, at least that I know about.

So there you have it! This next weekend is my first ever bike race, the Tour de Tuscon, on Saturday morning. I did a little math and the 66 miles equals roughly 6 pancakes, two cups of coffee, a banana and a cookie.


  1. Insert Joke about Suzanne being psychic here.

  2. I think Suzanne did have REAL hickeys on her neck, and I do not believe that came from her wetsuit.
