Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sneeze, cough, sneeze, cough. Ugh. That's been the music I'm dancing to the last couple weeks. Somehow school caught up with me after Christmas break and basically handed me my rear along with a nasty cold. But of course I don't take advice that includes "go to sleep, Suzanne," or "take it easy," or "why don't you stay home from the gym today? You can't breathe anyway" very well. Thought I was better after "taking it easy" by attending a two day women's cycling clinic through Tribe but I wasn't. I did learn a ton and down a bottle of Dayquil while there, though. I actually had a great time and got in a couple really good rides, learned how to change my tire (after I got a flat that morning . . .), took a cornering clinic so now I can slingshot my little self around the turns, and also learned a bit about nutrition and mindset. It was great!

Then I thought I was better again a couple days later. Alas, I thought wrong. My cold moved from my head to my chest and knocked me back on my butt again. This all happened the first full week of January through this last weekend, and this Friday was the first time I've run. I ran 4 miles! I did manage a couple spin classes but mostly it was yoga and walking on the treadmill and trying to breathe. I'm convinced I'm actually better now.

Sometime in the middle of that I did ride up South Mountain with PMBC and had a great time! What a rewarding view up there! While I couldn't have done it twice in one day I was totally ready for another go the next day. My cold was not, but whatever. And thanks to Gary for sticking with me the whole ride up. Just keep pedaling.

Today I managed a 30 minute swim: 1 x 100 warm up, 5 x 200 swim, 2 x 100 kick, 2 x 100 warm down. Not the most grueling thing but I'm working on it. Then I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and did some core work.

While I still have a long ways to go to take this tri by storm and am scared of it, I also know that I will do a great job. Every time I think about the finish I get goosebumps. I'm stoked and focused and might even cut back on my MnM's habit. Well, I will make an attempt at that. Every girl needs a little chocolate now and then!

1 comment:

  1. Note: it only takes Suzanne 30 minutes to swim 1500 when she is sick. With breaks. Holey moley am I slow.
