California Half Ironman in Oceanside, California is done. The next chapter is Ironman Arizona in Tempe, Arizona - 140.6 miles! I will first swim 2.4 miles, then bike 112 miles, and finish it up with a 26.2 mile run. Wish me luck. I will need it.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
On Vacation
The following weekend, after 1 final and one paper and before two more finals two days later we did the Usery Pass ride and I thought I was going to die. At first I was just fine but I couldn't get warm enough and all of a sudden I was so far behind everyone else! It sucked, really. So after loop one I ate, had a ton of water and pulled on borrowed gloves (thanks, Gary!) and we set off again. The sun came up high enough during the second loop, and the sugar + water + warmth helped me out a bit, at least enough to make it to the end. But I have definitely had better rides than that one!
Now home in Oregon for break I've been a bit of a slacker, sleeping in a lot and going to bed early and making batch after batch of cookies. I have gotten in a couple runs and a spin class, and bought a new pair of running shoes so am stoked about those (they're also pink. Theme here?); they're helping me to re-motivate, which is much needed right now!
So that's me! Merry Christmas and happy workouts!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Kate - December 16th
Ride: This weekend's ride was great. We did a super hilly ride and I can tell I'm getting stronger. I'm still not fast and I'm still the back of the pack. I do feel a bit of improvement and that was nice. I like the new seat Ron got me. No soreness. The hole in the middle of seat really helps. I'm still a little anxious to see what would happen on a 60 mile ride.
Weight loss: I've been doing good with my food logging. I'm using the on the LIVESTRONG website. I think I am at the wrong activity level. The site tells me I can eat 2200 calories a day. I don't have a problem meeting that. Even though I've logged a ton of exercise time this week I still gained 2 pounds. I am going to take my calories down a bit to about 1700. Hopefully that puts me in the right balance. I really need to lose more weight if I want to perform better in these races. (or I need to be ok with finishing last. No thank you!)
I've got a lot of nervous energy for the HIM right now. It is going to be a wild ride!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Bike Trainer Mishap
Today's lesson: Make sure the trainer is secured!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Bike Trainer
So I bought a bike trainer a couple weeks ago and it had been collecting dust in my garage. There are a variety of reasons for not using it. One: I am lazy. Two: I am a big chicken and afraid that I would break my bike in the process of securing it to the trainer. Three: It didn't seem like a great idea to set it up in the middle of the living room and take up what little free space we have downstairs. Fourth: did I mention that I am lazy?
Finally set it up this evening in front of the TV and next to the Christmas tree. My interest was renewed after reading an article in Triathlete magazine on the importance of bike training and how most people undertrain in that important area. The points of the article were that if you train more on the bike then your bike time will decrease significantly (of course) and more importantly, you will have more energy when you start the run. Sounds logical to me. My one long ride a week just isn't cutting it as I learned the very hard way during El Tour de Tucson. That sixty-six miles was a killer.
In short - Holy smokes! What a great workout. Sixty minutes on that bad boy wiped me out. My clothes were soaked about halfway into the workout. Completely drenched when I finished. Now I am feeling good and a bit tired. Most importantly I am feeling very pleased with my very efficient workout. Highly recommended. I am even thinking about jumping on the bike trainer again tomorrow morning.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Good news! Personal Best!
I really enjoyed this race. It was the Fiesta Bowl Half Marathon. The run was through Scottsdale. The race was well staffed and had our times every hour. This race also had the best medals and a nice technical shirt. Pretty cool.
Because this run went well, I am going to push through and gear up for the full marathon now. I have a long way to go this next 6 weeks!
PS - Suzanne had a personal best too!! (of course!) Peter . . . he opted out of this race for Vegas. I'm sure he would have had a great time too.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kate's update
Work out: Today I went to my new YMCA and did an hour long bike ride on the brand new lifetime fitness bike. I chose the hill circuit called "around the world". It was fun and I like all the information the machine gives you. I was able to watch myself climb, see my heart rate, see my rpms and mph AND watch the news! I need to have someone help me with the bike seat and help me decide what level to start on next time. I just guessed at both of those. I figured I'd know a little more then the Teenage girls working the front desk. My goal is to up my work out hours and meet my training times that my training plan laid out this week.
Shoes: I got new shoes today! My in-laws got me a gift card to RoadRunner. I am supposed to be training for a marathon so I need to upgrade my shoe. It came down to the Brooks and the Saucony. The Brooks seemed too clunky compared to Saucony. I've been wearing Brooks and like them but the others felt so light and cushy. I'll take them for a test run tomorrow.
Wish us luck on the half marathon!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Scheduling Showdown
Tour de Tuscon was great! It was my first competitive cycling event (I did the Portland (Ore.) Night Ride this summer, but really, how competitive can you be when wearing a bumblebee outfit complete with wings?) so I had no idea what to expect, other than a lot of people pushing and shoving at the start line. It was exactly that to begin with! But it was good energy and a lot of fun. The actual race was even better than the start, and thankfully I had to eat only 2 Clif Bars and a couple of Espresso Love Gus (my favorite, in case you were wondering) during the event. Someone put some serious hills in that 66 miles, though!
But really, I had a great time and even made friends with the race bandit* who was trying to draft off me during the middle third of the race. I got all mad and feisty, let him pass me by and then drafted off him for a bit, then he drafted off me again and I slowed down, went aero and shook my head at him. "It's hard to draft off you," he commented. "You're too small." Ha! And then we rode together until about mile 45 when his chain fell off his bike. Crossing the finish line was pretty cool, too, although for how much we paid to ride I expected filet mignon and champagne instead of stale bagels and warm water. Oh well. Next challenge is the ride + the 1/2 marathon right after. Yikes!
I was a bit sore Sunday but put in 8 miles on the treadmill anyway and was less sore afterwards. Monday was super easy at the gym (read: beginning the slackerdom), Tuesday & Wednesday included no gym time, unless carrying around my suitcase counts, but I did make it home to Portland in one piece! Thursday morning in between pie baking I organized my very own Turkey Day 10k on the treadmill. I got in a couple more runs over the weekend, but they were little; I should be thankful for all the training time I put in during the last few months which gave me a little leeway for finals time. The next couple weeks will be tough in terms of trying to fit it all in with three finals and a 15 page paper than I still need to research for, but I can sleep when I'm dead.
This weekend is the Fiesta Bowl 1/2 Marathon (still need to sign up for this) which I swear is the cheapest 1/2 I've ever heard of: $45! That's it! Very exciting. Chances are that I will run that, or at least as much of it as I can coming off my vacation.
So that's that! In the Thanksgiving spirit, I am so so thankful for my supportive friends and family, enough food every day for my 6+ meals (2nd lunch, anyone?), and for my health. Even though I'm not super fast or super buff, I can't help but think how awesome it is to be powerful enough to ride a bike 66 miles, to run 8 miles or more.
*race bandit: a person who participates in a race, often using the aid stations along the course, without paying the entry fee. Give-aways are lack of race number and timing chip, sneaky moves when race officials are present, and ditching just before the finish line.
Monday, November 30, 2009
The holidays are here!
Work outs: Unfortunately all the Christmas fun has cut into my workout time. I've missed 3 days or work outs. (1) I skipped the day after my long ride to rest. (2) I took Sunday off b/c it was my girlfriends 40th birthday. We had lunch, drinks and went to a movie. (3) I went to swim this evening with my new YMCA membership and the pool closed 5 minutes before I got there. Of course I was wearing my suit and flip flops so I couldnt' switch gears. UGH! I decided not to beat myself up about too badly. I needed to do everything I did for the family. I also feel pretty well rested. Tomorrow is another day.
Tri Training Plan: I have been off on my tri training plan. After the first 3 weeks of the plan I have been off by 3 hours, 2.5 hours, and 1.75 hours. Not the best. To help get my hours up I have signed up for a YMCA membership. It is brand new and only 2.5 miles from my house. My goal is to go over there after my kids go to sleep at 8:00. They also offer a 6:00 a.m. spin class. If I can get a few more hours in a week I will get myself on schedule. Now I think I have close the perfect set up. I have a top notch work out facilty at work, one close to my house for when I can't go during work hours, and great weather in case I miss both.
Bike ride: My 60 mile ride went really well. The ride was 58.5 miles and we finished in about 4:09:00. We were happy with that b/c that time included all of our stops. Our Tucson ride took us 5:03:00. Tucson was 66 miles so we did take some time of the ride. I started to have my ride break down around mile 53 this time. Ron thinks we should build on these rides - distance and speed. I'm up for that if I can get comfortable. We have also mapped out some great hills too. Hopefully I'll be ready for that HIM ride!
My lady parts were super sore again. We acted immediately this time. Ron bought me a new cut out bike seat so I'll give it a test spin soon. I also got some new Pearl I bike shorts. There is an outlet near us so we went and got some stuff. I got a jersy for about $45!! (Marked down from $89) The shorts were $90 marked down to about $54. If I was a smaller size I could have scored some cute ladies jerseys for about $15.
Eating: I over ate. Pecan Pie is SOOO good!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Half Ironman & Ironman
I have learned a few things lately though.
- I need to get a YMCA or gym membership so I can workout at night. I'm usually anti fitness center b/c I like to be outside but it is too dark in the morning and evening to do anything. A new YMCA opened up about 2 miles from my house so I think I will go there.
- I think I need to get my act/Sh$T together! Since time is a factor for me I will have to be as efficient as possible in my training. Understanding bike cadence and Heart Rate will make things so much better.
- Nutrition - I'm eating everything in sight. I always seem to think that a big workout or race gives me the green light to eat ALL WEEKEND long. I'm going to log my food starting now. I know 20 pounds will greatly help me before the Half Ironman.
- After 2 weeks on my plan it is obvious that my "planned to actual" workout times are not good. I need to come up with a better training system.
- I can't do all these little races in 2010. Heck, I've been doing a race almost every weekend this month. I am realizing that the races take away from my long training days. I want to be more selective in 2010. I want to have fun but balance it with good solid races that help my training.
I'm ready to let the training and the research begin. I want to successfully complete this Half Ironman without hurting myself.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
El Tour De Tucson - 66 miles of Fun??
Yesterday was the El Tour De Tucson. It was my very first bike race. I had no idea what to expect. The best part about it was that my husband rode with me and I had my two tri buddies with me. Their were about 2000 people at the 66 mile start. Their was also a 100 mile distance, an 80 mile distance and a 35 mile ride. I was so impressed with the Tucson police officers. They had traffic controlled all they way around the city. I was more worried about the other riders then I was the vehicles!
We started out very strong. We weaved in and out of bikers and had a good pace. The weirdest part was that about 5 miles into the race we had to get off our bikes and walk them trough a wash. The walk about about 3/4 to half a mile! It was crazy. I don't know how that factored into our times. Oh well. My tribuddies pulled away around mile 10 or 12. They did great.
Ron and I were doing well and he even commented that he could tell how much stronger i was getting on the bike as we tackled several hills. Unfortunately, I totally HIT THE WALL at around mile 44. From 44-56 I was DONE! My lady parts hurt and I was so tired. It didn't help that we hit some rough roads during this time.
We ended up around 5:03. It was much slower then I had hoped but I'm happy to say I completed a 66 mile ride. This time includes a stop for Ron to put his chain back on, a stop to fix a break problem, a big water food stop at mile 30, and 3 Kate's got to get off this damn bike and stretch stops. I think my mind started messing with me after my usual 40 mile distance.
Lessons Learned:
- I need more time in the saddle. My one long ride a week isn't going to cut it for my HIM.
- I need a woman friendly bike seat and a new pair of bike shorts.
- I should really scope out the course and plan my nutrition stops before the race.
- I HAVE to do another bike race. Love them.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
'09 California 70.3 Race Report
Monday, November 16, 2009
D-F-L Finish - Part II
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wetsuit Hickeys and Panty Lines
After the last Splash & Dash I decided I needed a different wetsuit, like one that actually fit me and wasn't so long that I had to roll up the legs and without so much velcro down the back that I had to seriously consider running the "dash" in the thing. The lovely folks at Tribe Multisport helped me out on Friday and I found one to rent for the weekend that fits like a dream. But just like in any new relationship, I was thrilled and blind with love at first try-on. I didn't realize that my dream wetsuit had flaws. First, you can totally see my tri shorts through the thing. Peter said, "oh, panty lines." Yes. Attractive. And secondly, though not quite abusive, things got a bit rough when I wasn't prepared. At about 1500m my lower back was hurting bad (wetsuits are buoyant, unlike me, and so wearing one makes me arch my back more than I normally do when swimming. Over a distance, this is not comfortable.) and my neck was stinging. Sure enough, hickeys. One giant one on each side of my neck. Both Kate and Peter refused to believe that they're actually from a wetsuit because I announced their presence without having looking in a mirror first. I'm psychic is what it comes down to.
Anyway, I run out of the lake and manage to get out of the wetsuit in no time flat, put on my running shoes (without the very random piece of still wrapped gum in one of them that was a problem last time) and dash. The run was uneventful -- my Asics shoes and I have been together nearly 400 miles now, so we're now comfortable with each other. No surprises. It's good.
I finished 7th overall in the race, which was pretty cool, and only one person in my 25-29 age group women beat me. She won't next time! And yes, I did cheer for Kate during the last bit of her swim where she looked super confident and strong.
Today's 10 mile Iron Girl race went pretty well, too! It was really cold out there along the lake (we did 2 loops around Tempe Town Lake) but the cute tshirts make up for it. And my trusty Asics were there to support me, just like always. They're okay with the wetsuit being a part of my life -- the shoes, the wetsuit and the bike have come to an understanding with one another that they serve very different needs and are all equally important. No one is jealous, at least that I know about.
So there you have it! This next weekend is my first ever bike race, the Tour de Tuscon, on Saturday morning. I did a little math and the 66 miles equals roughly 6 pancakes, two cups of coffee, a banana and a cookie.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Good News or Bad News First?
Today was my last splash n dash. It was a 2000m swim and a 3k run. I was LAZY this morning and didn't want to get out of bed. I actually tried not to go to the race by hitting snooze on my alarm, but I felt too guilty. I knew it was the last Open Water Swim of the season so I had to suck it up.
I got to the race in the nick of time. I had time to register, get my wetsuit on and get down to the water. Suzanne and Peter were already dressed and ready. Of course all of the superfit tri god/goddesses were at the event. I imagine they were preparing for the Ironman Arizona that is taking place next Sunday.
I swam and I finished D-F-L! (Dead F*$&'ing Last!) I was so last that they started hualing in the Buoys in before I finished. I was so dead f'ing last that my cute little tribuddy Suzanne finished her swim and run and had time to root me on the last 100m of my swim. I finished SOO VERY last that they race company gave me 2 consolation prizes! That was crazy.
The Good news? I did it!! I swam 2000m in open water and didn't freak out or flip to my back or have a panic attack. I was slow but I was steady. I really did it!! I swam the distance of our Half Ironman!! This was s huge mental hurdle for me.
It was a LONG swim. I knew it would be tough for me. The longest I had ever swam was 1600m and that was some time ago. I'm pretty stoked about today's accomplishments. This was good for my head. Now that I know I can do the distance it is just a matter of improving on my time.
Next weekend I tackle the bike distance . . . BRING IT ON!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
To bike or write?
I debated most of the day. I love riding with the Thursday night group! I've been doing that since the beginning of September. It's usually a huge group, nearly 70 people of all speeds and shapes and whatnot, and even though I often find myself towards the back of the pack, it's great fun. But this nagging midterm!
6:00 pm rolled around, which is the time I usually get ready to head up to the Tribe shop for the 7:10 pm ride, and I was of course sitting at my laptop typing out rules about whether Indian tribes have regulatory jurisdiction over non-Indian owned land within their reservation (sorry. Nerded out on you for a second there) when I realized I was fast on the road to stir-crazy town.
I threw my bike, flat front tire and all, in the car, hopped in and drove off to Tribe before I could talk myself out it.
The ride was totally worth a couple hours lost on my exam, especially after doing nothing physical but walking up a flight of stairs in the law school on Wednesday. Normally this ride is 2 x (almost) 10 mile loops, but last night I rode a little farther up in the pack with a group a little faster than I'm used to. Not only did I manage to keep up really well and even pull the pace line for a few miles at 22 mph (!) but also eeked out a third lap. We didn't have a reason not to keep going, really, and no, I didn't want to come home right away and type type type.
So the ride was great! And like always, I was able to focus so much better once I did get back to my exam.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Suzanne's first post
Blue Water Triathlon - Kate's race report
Parker, Arizona
United States
Mountain Man Events
75F / 24CSunny
Triathlon - Long Course
Total Time = 3h 51m 39s
Overall Rank = 44/51
Age Group = W 35-39
Age Group Rank = 5/7
Pre-race routine: We packed up the family and drove 3.5 hours to Parker, Arizona. It was nice to have a family adventure. We ended up getting to the race site in time for packet pick up and the pre-race meeting. After the meeting we drove the race course (more hills than I expected) and settled into the hotel.
We connected with our friend Kyle (who will do the Half Ironman with us in March). This was his first full race. He did one and got 3 flats on during the race and called it day. Then he did a Half Ironman relay. He was the bike portion. Kyle was more than ready to get a race under his belt. We had a nice dinner and then went to our rooms.
I was very anxious b/c the course was so long. It was my longest race of the season - a 1k Swim, a 33 mile bike, and a 5 mile run. This was also my first race this season without Peter! I was a little out of sorts.
I woke up at 6:00 and got to the transition around 6:15. Our room was in a great location. We looked right onto transition and the finish was only steps away. Perfect for my hubby and kids. I ate a bar and a banana and drank some water. I was looking for cofee but there was no free coffee available. LAME!! I left my money in the room and didn't want to go back in and wake the family. I met up with Kyle and we hung out until his start. We were both anxious.
Swim Comments: I'm very happy with my swim. It felt good. I wasn't fast but I was steady and consistant. I did much better on my sighting as well. I even passed a few ladies. One freaky part was that the water was so clear you could see everything. When you got near the shore you could see all the weeds right below your head. It was scary. I thought I would see a hand come out and get me or a body like in a horror movie. SCARY!! Overall, it was actually the best I've ever felt during a swim. I'll take it.
What would you do differently?: Swim faster.
Transition 1 Comments: Again, no chip timing for this race and no transitions times. I think my first transition was pretty good. The wetsuit came off pretty easily and I had plenty of space for my stuff. My only problem was with my bike shoe. I couldn't get the insole to lay correctly so I ended up taking it out and riding without one.
Bike Comments: I felt ok on the bike but think I could do much better with more practice. I didn't have the gearing issues I had last week. I only passed one person. I need more hill work and more time in the saddle. My back started hurting around mile 20. Suzanne said I need to strengthen my core and gave me some exercise ideas. Hopefully that will help me.
Transition 2 Comments: Just an OK transition. Coming into transition 2 my 4 year old son said "Mom, you are a slow poke!!" True son. Very true.
Run Comments: I had no legs left after the bike. I was tired out. I had to start walk/running around mile 3. It was interesting that the run was my highest ranked part! Oh well.
What would you do differently?: Run the whole race.
Post race Warm down: No warm down. I rushed to my room to take a quick shower and head home.
What limited your ability to perform faster: WEIGHT!! I need to drop at least 20 before the California 70.3. I'm down about 14 since I started this training but I have a long way to go. I need to work on my food intake.
Event comments: No athena division and no trophy this race. That is ok though. I enjoyed this race. Small but well done. It was extra special having my husband and kids rooting me on at the transition. I would do definitely do it again.
“Nothing but strength,” I hear in my head. It’s my spin teacher’s voice, and he is louder than just about anyone else I know. He doesn’t even use the microphone in the room, but he is just a couple decibels below deafening. “Too easy!” he yells, terrifying and encouraging at the same time. But this time I’m not in the crowded classroom with a techno version of Mortal Kombat on the stereo. This time it’s real.
It’s nearing 7:30 on a Sunday morning in late September and it’s hot outside. My hair is dry already. Supposed to hit 109 degrees by mid-afternoon and it’s one of those days I have to think long and hard about why I moved here from Portland. It’s one of those days when I think about boots and jeans and a wool sweater, a hot pumpkin spice latte and an umbrella. But instead of drinking the cozy coffee I pedal just a little faster, push pull push pull. It’s a damn good thing I love this.
“This” is my triathlon fever. This keeps me sane. This lets me eat a cookie without feeling guilty. This gives me a reason to swim outside and keep my tan, slathered in sunscreen, of course. This gives me time to think, to draft papers in my head, to ponder UCC Article 2-207 without accidentally highlighting my hand. This is my productive procrastination.
The headwind hits me hard as I come around the corner. Three riders fly past me.
“Nothing but strength, nothing but strength.”
And I see the end of the course, so I settle into my drop bars and pull up with my hamstrings because next is the run. “Save the quads,” I tell myself. “Now go. Go. GO!” Off the bike, through transition and out the other side in my beloved Asics.
The three riders who passed me aren’t too far ahead now. It’s only a 5k so I have to pick up the pace to pass them. I give them a name – the Lizards, because of their green and black Landis Tri Club suits – and decide that by the next water station I’ll be ahead again. And I am. I love passing people.
“Suzanne Trujillo!” I pour on the last smidge of speed I have left and sprint the final 100 yards to the finish line as the announcer yells out my name. One thing I love about this place: people can pronounce my last name.
I grew up in a swimming pool. I started lessons at age two, swim team at six and by high school was swimming for both a club and the high school team. My club coach made us swim for our high schools even though no one wanted to. But it was that or the threat of thousands of pushups, so we dutifully anchored the relays and cheered for our fellow Gophers, Bruins, Raiders, Eagles. I was in a pool close to 30 hours a week, and I loved it. It gave me time to put my head down and go, to think, to write my papers, and to feel at home among my chlorine-soaked friends.
After knee surgery my junior year, burnout started to set in. Most of my friends graduated and went away, and it just wasn’t fun anymore. I was good, but not full-ride-to-a-Division-1-school good. After I quit swimming my senior year, I didn’t get back into a pool for anything but floating for nearly six years. So crew at University of Oregon took the place of swimming, and our coach made us run. A lot. Even the second surgery to the same knee didn’t stop me. In Track Town USA, I ran and ran and ran. Just like swimming, it was my time to think, to write my papers, to be part of a group. Kept the beer calories in check as an added bonus.
On the first day of law school when I was terrified of the decision I made to be here, when I wanted to just go home to normal temperatures, and when my classmates were complaining of Contracts nightmares, I ran. I was two of four months into my marathon training. Law school helped me remember the power of mind-numbing monotonous workouts; one foot in front of the other is a great stress outlet, a tool for time management, an escape from the library and the contagious anxiety.
“If I can run, then I can sleep. If I can sleep, then I can study. And if I can study, then I can be a lawyer. A good lawyer. So run.”
My first triathlon was second semester of 1L year. I didn’t even have my own bike, and the pre-race nerves were the same as the pre-final exam nerves. But for me, they’re a sign I’m ready. I’ve prepared enough to know what I’m in for. So I swam. I jumped on my borrowed and ill-fitting bike and flew, partly to beat people and partly because the bike was so uncomfortable. Then the run. Like a final exam, it requires strategy, time management, even proper nutrition – too much coffee right before is a mistake, but not enough is just as bad.
“Suzanne Trujillo!” yelled the announcer as I flew over the finish line. And I was hooked. Even though I was so nervous I nearly got sick, I loved it. I also resolved to buy a bike.
My decision to become a lawyer is as close to set in stone as things can ever be. Triathlon does not reinforce or threaten that decision. It enables the decision. It helps me manage the stress of classes, of exams, of the job search. It continually makes me more efficient, more conscientious, and it usually makes me hungry. It gives me purpose at the gym – I want that Ironman tattoo, probably on my shoulder. And it doesn’t hurt to know that if all else fails, I could go pro.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Amica Championship - Kate's Race Report
[Photo: Peter and Kate after the Lake Pleasant Triathlon. Behind us is the lake where we did our swim. We are standing in front of the boat ramp. The ramp is the steep road we have to walk/run up to get to the transition. It seemed very long!]
Amica Championship
Pre-race routine: I was not feeling fresh and ready for this race. The night before was Halloween so I ate poorly and had a couple glasses of wine. I had also come off two days of pretty hard exercise. This was not ideal. This race was not originally on my calendar but my bro-in-law wanted to do it b/c he can't do this week's race. I decided at the last minute to go for but I should have thought out my training schedule better. I did go to bed early and try to hydrate myself. I got up at 5:00 and was out the door by 5:30. Got some coffee and oatmeal and headed up north. I was a little frustrated that I wasn't more prepared. I should have mapped the event instead of relying on their directions. If I had I could have taken a more direct route and got there a little earlier. When I arrived at the race I had to walk a ways with my bike and equipment. I felt rushed b/c I decided to get my stuff race morning. When I got to the table I realized I forgot my temporary triathlon card so I had to buy a new one. Bummer. Once I got my stuff I had to scramble to get my stuff together. I was pretty focused though and the ladies near me were very nice. No real attitudes like you get at some races from neighboring racers. I didn't see my bro-in-law until I had cleared transition with my wetsuit. I was suprised to see the race was so small. I think there were only like 300 racers. 62 in the women category and 4 athenas. I was also shocked there were not chips at a championship event.
Swim Comments: Swim is always a crazy time for me. I was calmer than I had been a other races b/c I had just had a successful splash n dash. This water was much more clear and I had a lot of visibility under the water. I did well going to the first buoy and actually felt myself passing people. My heart rate went up and I felt like flipping to my back but I kept on going. I rounded the first buoy in good shape. i ran into trouble with the second buoy. I got into a groove and kept swimming. I lifeguard redirected me b/c I was swimming into the center of the triangle. That flustered me a little and I over corrected. My sighting obviously needs some work. I think I zigzagged the whole way to the next buoy. I started to get frustrated but I tried to pretend it was just practice. When I rounded the second buoy it was easier to sight b/c of the shore line. I finished and i knew I didn't do great but I also knew I wasn't the last one out of the water. I was ok. My swim is a work in progress. The Positives are that I didn't freak out (and I knew I was on the verge of it) and I kept in a rhythm.
What would you do differently?: A few things: (1) I really need to figure out my sighting issues. Probably every 3 to instead of every 10 strokes. (2) I also need to keep practicing my OWS. I think I just need more confidence in the water. (3) I need to practice being ok with contact in the water. I don't like it! I notice I don't know what to do when I get hit.
Transition #1 Comments: No chip timing so my swim time included the transition. After we got out of the water we had to go up a very long and very steep boat ramp and get out of my wetsuit. I did manage to get it half way down on my way up the boat ramp. I did pass a couple other swimmers in transition.
What would you do differently?: I would have ran up the ramp instead of walk. I would of had some gu with me. Forgot that.
Bike Comments: Tough bike course but I'm happy with my performance. It was two laps of a hilly course and I had to work it. I'm slow going up and fast going down. I had some trouble shifting from my little climbing ring to my big ring. Towards the end of my ride I had to balance my body on the handles and try to shift using both hands! Crazy. I felt like I was able to make up some time in this area.
What would you do differently?: I need to really work on my hills and Lose some weight!
Run Comments: My time is very slow compared to my usual runs. I ended up walking all the steep hills and jogging the flats and downhills. My legs were hurtin' from the bike hills so I figured what the heck. Looking back now, i wish I would have pushed it more and run up the hills.
Post race Warm down: I ran to the finish line and Peter was there cheering me on! He probably finish about 20 minutes before me. When I crossed the line I walked to the food. I sat and chatted with some folks. I liked the atmosphere and was anxious to see who won the Athena division. There were many more "Athenas" looking racers than I had seen at past races. After seeing there were only 4 Athenas in my division it is clear many of them chose to race in Age Division. The announcer started calling winners and I was shocked when he called my name as a winner. I started laughing b/c I couldn't believe it. I have to admit, I really dug it! I got a cool trophy and people were excited for me. I think it was the pick me up I needed going into our 20 week mark before our Half Ironman.
What limited your ability to perform faster?: I had 3 major issues: (1) My weight, (2) gear issue, and (3) swim sighting. I also should have taken it a little easier before the race. I was logging some serious activity before the race. Not the smartest.
Event comments: I enjoyed this triathlon a lot. Post race food good! The awards were nice. The trophy was a wooden cactus. Cute. The MC was great. Nice techincal shirt & water bottle for signing up.
Peter's swim counter
Lap Counter and Lake Pleasant Tri
Kate - I am guilting you to actually post a pic of the lap counter as I am technologically impaired.
Other good news - Kate and I rocked the splash and dash last Friday.
Even better news - Kate and I head banged (that is, we really rocked it) the Lake Pleasant Tri on Sunday. The swim was great. Water was clear and warm. I focused upon my sighting by trying to sight as little as possible. Instead I was able to follow the bubbles of people in front of me. Good thing I started at the back of the pack. It also makes a difference when you actually have more than 6 inches of visibility. The bike portion was tough. Lots of hill work. Run was tough also. It was an out and back with the "out" being all uphill. Whew! And I won't even get started on all the bees at the finish area.
And the best news! - Kate took home a fancy new trophy! Woo hoo! First Place!
Friday, October 30, 2009
What a difference a week makes!

Kate's 2nd Splash N Dash . . . .
I started the day feeling much more confident. Last night's practice swim in the new wet suit felt good. I have a full sleeve "19" wetsuit. I think it gave me a little confidence boost. It also helped that it was a 750m swim v. the 1000m swim I was expecting. I had a very busy work day so I didn't have time to obsess about the race.
At 4:00 I packed up and went down to the race. It was a cold day for Arizona. Maybe 65 or 67? Usually when it hits 70 degrees here we all have our sweaters on. So this type of weather was not idea. I couldn't imagine what the water tempature was going to be.
Peter got to the race before me. He was only 1 of about 30 people! We were still a little early so maybe others would be coming. The race organizers talked about how the weather might be keeping people away today. By the time we were to start the race, we had 52 people participating. Unheard in Arizona to have race that small but I dug it! It turns out that it was a no chip race this time. They were going by our bib numbers. This should be interesting!
I looked at the water and got a huge pit in my tummy. The buoys were so far apart!! How could that be 750m? It looks like WAY more than that. It was again a triangle format. I can't believe how far they are! I had to stop looking b/c I could feel my heart rate going up.
As we started to get our wetsuits on an older lady befriended us. She was CHATTY! Turns out she has done ironman races and does about 15 marathons a year. She talked about how she was the last on across the finish line in IMAZ. She didn't care one bit! It was all about the finish for her. I was so impressed with her attitude. It turns out she is a slow swimmer too who is doing the same race I am doing on Sunday. I think her chatting helped me get through my prerace jitters. She didn't stop! It was cute though. I think she was happy to be with some folks.
Soon it was race time and we were to get into the water. It was cold!! I recognized some faces from last week and made some small talk with some folks while we were getting used to the water. A few of us self described slow people talked about where to go and when to start. So far so good. No panic yet.
The next thing I knew the horn blew. Deep breath . . . Here I go. For a brief moment I flet a little uneasy. Not getting into the flow but that soon passed. I tried to get a little chant going in my head. "1, 2, 3 . . . Breathe! 1, 2, 3 . . . Breathe!" I decided I would try to sight about every 10 strokes. I realized that I wasn't freaking out! I am doing this! I take my first sight and put my head right back in the water and didn't skip a beat. Hey, I just passed a guy! "1,2,3 . . breathe!"
The next thing I know I am at the first buoy! How did that happen? I am doing this!! As I am going I see some folks floating on their backs. I haven't had to flip over yet. Hooray! As I am swimming I realize the longer I keep stroking the faster I will get done.
As i reach the final stretch I got pretty emotional again. This week I'm emotional for a different reason. I totally concurred my fear! I didn't give up and worked to get over my issue. Pretty cool. As I started to walk up the boat dock and man was right behind me. He asked the race official "Are we the last ones out?" AND the race dude said "NO!" I can't believe it!
I quickly went to the transition and got my shoes on. The the running begin! I was about a mile into the run when I saw Peter coming the opposite way (We had to do two loops) He said "YOU DID IT!" It must have been obvious b/c he was still on his first lap.
I was on cloud nine. I knew I was still back of the pack but I was SO OK with that! When I finished Peter told me that I was only a couple of minutes behind him!! He thinks I really cut a ton of time of my swim!
Here are the results.
- Today: 750m swim and a 4k in 43:46
- Last week: 500m swim and a 4k in 45:52
I was trying to calculate the numbers. I don't know how this time can be possible though. It is pretty darn good if you consider the time includes the swim, transition of getting my wetsuit off, AND a 2.5 mile run! What ever. I'm not going to over think it. I'll take it.
I drove home with a new attitude. I can do this! This is a whole new ball game now! I can do this! Now that I know I can do the swim, I can start thinking about how to become faster and stronger v. thinking about surviving the swim.
What a difference a week makes!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Our Weekend Ride - "Eric & the Skins"
I will add a couple things. (1) It was truly 'Eric and the Skins'. We had two Navajos (Ron and Derrick), a Comanche (me), a Laguna (Suzanne), and a Stockbridge Munsey (Jake). (2) It was a beautiful ride and I was so excited b/c the last time we did this ride we saw a Coyote and a Roadrunner. Unfortunately, I did see the coyote again. It was dead on the side of the road. Sad. (3) Derrick really did kick butt on this ride. When Ron and I first started there is no way we could have handled two loops. Derrick did it! He is going to be up to speed in no time.
"Eric & the Skins"
Today at 12:48pm
While riding with the usual weekend group yesterday, I rode alongside Kate for a while and we chatted a bit. She told me she was calling our ride that day 'Eric & the Skins'. I nearly crashed when I heard this name because of how funny it struck me. Turns out the entire group, other than me, were Native Americans. I received permission to use the name. I thought it was pretty catchy.
Yesterdays ride took us around the Usery Pass loop twice again. I hadn't ridden with the group in a few weeks and figured that my first ride back would be this one. This is by far our hardest ride. Lots of hill work, but very scenic. For a little extra torture, I threw in the Las Sendas mountain loop as well. Normally, this ride wouldn't kick my ass as much as it did yesterday. Saturday night, I went out with some friends to watch the UFC fights and had a couple beers. No big deal except that is was a couple more that I normal have the night before our rides. The first half of the ride, I was really feeling sluggish.
We had a couple new participants this weekend. Derrick, who is a 3rd year law student and Jake who is a 1st year. Derrick had just gotten his bike the day before and probably hadn't had time to have it fitted properly. He hunk in there and rode the whole ride. Once he gets his bike fitted to him, he's going to kick butt! Speaking of kicking butt, there's Jake (aka Kid Rocket). This "kid" is built like a cyclist; tall, thin, & lean. I rode with Jake for a while and talked to him and all of a sudden, he was gone. He started pulling away from me and I don't think I ever caught him except when he stopped for me. Oh sure, I could make all kinds of excuses; the beers, the age difference, the bike, this kid is just fast. I felt like I spent the first half of the ride "chasing the rocket".
Once we reached the 1/2 way mark and headed back out, I decided I was going to do my best to keep pace with him. We started up Usery (the easier side) and I suddenly felt pretty good. I cranked! I pulled away from the group and saw Jake trying to catch me (for a change). I told myself that I'd be OK if he didn't catch me until the top. After the top of the hill and as we started the long descent, he caught me. I felt good knowing that I was able to hold him off as long as I did. Once we got to the bottom of the hill we rode together again for a while. Next up came the biggest, steepest hill of the ride (I call it King Kong). Suddenly, the rocket takes off again. WTF? Wasn't this the same kid who was saying after we came down that hill that he'd probably be walking up it? He absolutely flew up this hill. I wish I could hate him for it, but he's a pretty nice guy and that wouldn't be right.
We all finished the ride separately but within minutes of each other. Kate & Ron hung back with Derrick which was cool of them. Suzanne, Jake, & I pulled away from them on the return Usery climb. Since Jake was so far in front of me, he missed the turn to go up Las Sendas but still made the climb once he turned around.
It seems that I have inadvertently recruited Kate & Ron to join me on my century ride. Kate mentioned it while we chatted. It would be great to have some company! I think we are shooting for December sometime. Hopefully before the end of the year!
All in all, a great day to ride. A little chilly to start, but ended with perfect weather. The rest of the day I spent with the kids and massaging my legs from trying to catch "Kid Rocket".
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I have Open Water Swim Panic!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Meet Suzanne!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Race Hotel Booked - Now I need a training plan!
TRAINING PLAN: The big date is NOVEMBER 9th. That is when we need to start our 20 week training program. It sounds like a long way away from the race but it is a big count down for me. I'm hoping to find a good training plan that will keep me from getting hurt and give me a solid foundation.
Kate's Back
Now I feel very behind on my training. I have to make up some ground very quickly. Peter and I will have to start our "official" 20 week training program in early November. I've rearranged my training schedule, found some new races and I think am ready to go. These are events that are paid for and quickly approaching:
- Long course triathlon (11/8)
- 10 mile all girls run (11/15)
- 67 mile bike race (11/21)
- Marathon in early January (26.2 miles)
This weekend was my first round of exercise since getting sick. I did a 30 mile bike ride with friends and completed a 4 mile run today. I think I'm ready to hit it hard again.
One quick weightloss note: I am down 14 pounds for the year. I feel great. My goal for October and November is to really concentrate on my food intake. I'd like to get another 10 pounds off before the big race.
Wish me luck!! I will need it.Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Slowly but Surely
Swim tonight was good. The only downside was I ended up having to wait 20 minutes to get into the pool because of swim lessons and the masters swim group. Apparently they have most of the pools reserved from 6:15 until 7:30 or 8. I'll have to include that in my 'notes to self.'
I feel good but tired right now. Only 25 days to the Nathan's Tri!
September - Weight loss month!
A horse, a goat, a coyote and roadrunner
Our weekend ride group decided to tackle the Usery Pass loop this past weekend. You can check the route here if you like. The hills are not too shabby, a 1,660 ft climb/decent. We decided to go clockwise and atthe end of 18ish miles turn around and go back. In the group was Kate & Ron (this is Kate's idea) and a girl from Oregon named Suzanne (one of Katre's students).
We all started out together fairly strong (19-20mph), and then a big down hill (hit 39.7mph). Cool! I decided to ride my mountain bike since it has gears and my road bike doesn't. I planned to put the slicks on so I could hang with the road bikes, but Saturday when I grabbel the wheel, it had no tube. Bummer. I would have to work that much harder to hang in with them. On the first hill, I started to put a little distance between me and the pack. It wasn't long before Ron caught me.
Next hill, 4-1/2% grade for a couple miles, no biggie. We started out and Suzanne's bike decided that it liked the big chain ring better than the small. That wasn't going to work. We all stopped to get this fixed and were back on our way. We made it to the top and down the hill to our turn around/starting point. What I found interesting about the return climb is that Suzanne flew up this hill. I swear she's part mountain goat!
I didn't realize how long that big hill was until we went screaming down it (32mph max) for over 3 miles. We crouched down as to get better aerodynamics and more speed. I was crouched so long that my back started cramping. The hill that I hit 39mph coming down absolutely sucked going back up. In cycling, what goes down almost alway comes back up. We were 35 miles into the ride and it was in the upper 90's. Luckily we were near the end and could call it a successful ride. All in all, it was a great day to ride. Great group, great route, great work out.
One of the neatest parts of the ride was being out in the desert. During the ride we saw a coyote and a roadrunner. Beautiful. I think the bike rides are my favorite part of this training. We are already planning the next ride!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Week 31 Report - Kate
Monday = Run, 3 miles
Tuesday = Swim, 1000 meters
Friday = Swim, 800 meters
Saturday = Run, 3 miles
Sunday = Bike, 38 miles of hills
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Repeat after me!
Getting Back up on the Horse
Monday, August 24, 2009
Two New Training Buddies!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Week 32 Report - Kate
- Monday = Run, 4 miles
- Tuesday = Bike, 8 miles at 17 mph
- Saturday = Run, 5 miles
Bratwurst, Beer & Funnelcakes
It is funny how gross you feel when you slow down your work outs. I feel sluggish and tired already. My 20 year reunion really makes me want to push it even harder. Some of my friends look fantastic! If they can keep it together I should be able to as well. I'm motivated to work hard this month for our next race!
How Not to Train
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Weight Loss
Since I started this process in March I've lost about 10 pounds. (Yes, I still have 30 pounds to go) I thought the weight would be falling off with all of the training I am doing but it isn't. Seems like I lose about a pound every other week. This training made me realize that my diet and metabolism are out of whack. I haven't figured out how to get them under control yet.
The cool thing is that my husband Ron has lost about 25 pounds. My activity level has been motivating him. He bought a road bike and has been riding with me. He has even been running a little too. I'm so proud of him.
This whole healthy living thing is a challenge. I'm going to start experimenting with different diets to figure out what works for my body. I also need to find a diet where i don't have to give up my red wine!
Week 33 Report - Kate
Done with week 33. I consider this a bad week. I had a lot of "rest" days. My body felt really tired and I'm scared of getting hurt so I just walked. I think that is a good route for an old woman like me.
Here is my recap.
Monday: Walk - 2.5 miles in 30 minutes
Tuesday: Swim - 1100 meters in 45 minutes
Wednesday: Run - 3 miles in 32:31 minutes
Thursday: Swim - 1600 meters/1 mile in 47:00
Friday: Walk - 13.5 miles in 1 hour
Saturday: Bike - 38 miles on Pecos road in 2.5 hours
Sunday: Recover Day
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Our "30 mile" bike ride
We rode down Pecos road and did two loops. The normal loop is about 13 miles. The first loop we added distance by starting further out and taking some additional hills. The second loop was the 13 miler. This ride is nice b/c it has a wide bike lane, few stop lights, little traffic and very scenic. There is something cool about being out in the Arizona desert at 5:30 a.m. working up a sweat that is very refreshing.
Each week I try to send out a large invite email to friends to try to get them to join us for the bike rides. I really want to peer pressure folks into doing races with me!! It usually works quite well. I have a lot of people thinking about doing races! I love it!! Today's ride was our largest group ride to date. We had 5 riders at the beginning and 6 at the end. We usually only have 3 during our normal rides - me, Ron and Peter.
Let me tell you about my riding pack. Five of us started the ride at 5:30 (wake up at 4:30). We were all excited to get in some good training. The sixth rider (the Pro - See below) started from his house 5 minutes after we left our meeting spot and 10 miles away from us and ended up catching us before we finished the first loop. He is fast like lightening!
It is interesting for me as a girl to ride with all of these guys. I like seeing all of their personalities come out. As a self-described people watcher, I really took note of who was with us today. It was pretty easy to "name" the boys. I described my fellow riders below.
- The Gentleman Rider - Ron (my husband) - Ron always waits for me and doesn't leave me to race the other guys. It is too cute. He never wants me to feel alone at the end of the pack. I really like that he is always looking out for me.
- The Rabbit - Peter (Brother-in-law/training buddy) - Peter is fast and likes to take off. He then circles back and takes off again. We usually end up chasing "the rabbit" the whole way.
- The Pro - Gary (My friends husband) - He is a cyclist. He rides to be fast and loves bikes. We really slow him down and ask him a lot of questions. He knows it all and gives us lots of tips. (Ex. After our last 20 mile ride, he rode additional miles b/c we didn't push him enough)
- The Social Guy - Kyle (Our friend who is thinking about doing the Half IronMan with us. He just needs to sign up) - He is the social rider. Kyle is the guy who makes sure he rides and chats with every single biker on the ride. Just cute. He is a fun addition.
- The Cool/Unique Rider - Eric (My book club friend/neighbor's husband) - He is a strong rider like Gary. Eric is training for a 100 mile ride. What makes him cool/unique is that he rode a bike with only 1 gear. He is a minimalist! The crazy think is he kept right up with all of our multi-gear bikes. There are very few bikers who can do what he did today!
- Then there is me. I think others would describe me as - The Girl. I am the only girl trying to keep up with the guys. I am really hoping other girls will start riding with me.
Although today's ride was tough, I'm so proud of myself for doing it! I can see myself improving everyday.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Our upcoming Races
- 9/27 (Sunday) Nathan's triathlon in Tempe
sprint distance (750m swim/ 12.4 mile bike/ 3.1 mile run) or
olympic distance (1500m swim/24.8 mile bike/ 6.2 mile run)
This is a big race in Tempe. Longer open water swim. 750m will be very challenging. - 10/4 (Sunday) Mission Bay triathlon in San Diego
sprint distance (500 open water swim in bay with a wetsuit/ 15k bike/ 5k run)
This is the Frank race. I want to support my friend in his first triathlon. I also want to try a short race in a bay with a wetsuit before the half ironman.
This race is SOLD OUT! - 10/17 (Saturday) Powell3 in Page, AZ
Olympic Distance - 1500 m open water swim/24 bike/ 6.2 run
(This also has a sprint distance 750/12/3.1)
I really need to do a long open water swim before the half ironman. This race will also require a wetsuit. This swim distance is pretty close to the half ironman swim distance. - 11/21 (Saturday) Tour de Tucson in Tucson!ETT/ETThome.html
109, 80, 67 or 35 miles
Rosiers are riding 67 miles, Sanchez family is riding 30 miles with Frank pulling the kids behind him - 11/26 (Thanksgiving) Goodyear triathlon
Reverse sprint tri - 2 mile run/ 13 mile bike/ 400 m swim
Individual: $69 until 11/8/09; $79 thereafter
** This depends on if I can walk after 67 miles on the bike ride. - 1/17 (Saturday) PF Chang's Full Marathon in Phoenix
26.2 mile run - 3/6 (Saturday) Valley of the Sun Half Marathon
13.1 miles - 3/27 (Saturday) California 70.3 Ford Half Ironman
1.2 mile swim/ 56 mile bike/ 13.1 mile run
Peter is considering adding the Pabst Blue Ribbon triathlon on October 10th. He is intrigued by the slip n slide finish. (Boys!)
Week 34 Report - Kate
- Monday: Swim - 1200 meters in 35 minutes
- Tuesday: Run - 4 miles in 45:41
- Wednesday: Swim - Swim Masters training 45 minutes
- Thursday: 3 miles in 33:31
- Friday: Swim - 1000 meters in 27:56
- Saturday: Bike - 30 miles through Fountain Hills in 2 hours
- Sunday: Run - 3 miles in 32:12
The highlight for me was the bike ride. It was beautiful out around Fort McDowell. It was a great work out too. The route had rolling hills the whole way and a couple decent climbs. I can tell I'm getting stronger on the bike. Thank goodness.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I am not a Master
Swim Masters work out results? I was a hot mess. (1) I couldn't keep up. (2) I lost count of laps. (3) I got passed several times in my "slow" lane. What a rough work out day.
At this point in time I am swimming 100 meters in about 2:30. I figure I will suffer more of this embarrassment so I can improve that time. It has to get better right?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Swim Masters
I have been taking lessons for months now. Although I have improved my skills quite a bit I have a long way to go to be ready to swim 1.2 miles! I realized that I need spend a lot more time in the pool.
Today I bit the bullet and I signed up for a Swim Masters workout group. I can't believe I did it. Basically, I can choose between 3 or 4 workout times a day to train with a group of swimmers. (6:00 a.m., Noon, 6:00 pm., and 7:00 pm) All of these times are at pools less then a mile from my office. A coach will be walking along the side of the pool to yell out drills. I will have to try to complete the drills within a certain time frame. The coach will assign you a lane based on your level of swimming. I was told Lane 1 is the slow lane. I have a feeling that will be my home for a long time.
I'm hoping the coach will give me some feedback on my stroke and the drills will help improve my form. I'm really scared to do this, but I'm even more scared to drown during the Half Ironman so I need to suck it up! My first swim is tomorrow at Noon.
Info About Peter
Name: Peter
Triathlon Training Name: I don’t yet have a triathlon training name. I am certainly open to suggestions though.
Age: 36
Height: I say 5'9”, although there has been some dispute about this. There is a possibility that I may fall into the 5’8” category.
Weight: Just shy of the Clydesdale mark.
Athletic background: In the last 8 or so years I have run a couple half marathons and a number of 10k and 5ks. Last month I completed my first sprint triathlon up in Chino Valley. The Good news on that one is that I did not finish last in age division.
Why the Half Ironman: Kate talked me into it. Actually it sounds like a fun goal. I like the idea of training for multiple sports simultaneously, rather than just training for a marathon. That being said, I am kind of excited about training for a marathon and doing my first marathon as training for the Half-Ironman.
Weakest leg of the triathlon: I am also weak in all three sports and, just like Kate, I am concerned about the swim. I re-started swim lessons in March of this year. That was kind of crazy because I hadn’t really swam since I was a kid. As of today, and based upon my time in the Chino Valley triathlon, my weakest leg is the bike.
Toughest Challenge: Consistently getting out there and exercising. Getting out there 2-3 days is not that bad. It is hard to get out there 4-5 days though.
Biggest Fan: Theresa Rosier (my wife).
What color is your bike helmet: Black.
Did you name your bike: “Strawberry Sizzler” in honor of my wife’s bike when she was a little girl.
What have you enjoyed most so far about training: Seeing myself really progress in my swimming technique and endurance. Very satisfying considering I couldn’t swim 25yds without stopping just 3 months ago.
What have you enjoyed the least about training: I haven’t gotten to that point yet. Probably because I am not training enough.
What is your Half Ironman goal: To finish.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Info about Kate
OK. I thought I'd start this blog with the basics.
- Name: Kate
- Triathlon Training Name: I gave myself the name "Chocolate Thunder!" for training purposes. No one thinks this is a good name for me but I love it!!
- Age: 38
- Height: 5'11
- Weight: Big enough to compete in the "Athena" division for races but not big enough to be a "Clydesdale" (look that up!)
- Athletic background: I'm a former Division 3 college basketball player. I have run several half marathons and one full marathon. I've also done 4 sprint triathlons. Three of the four were done so Badly they shouldn't count. (Race 1) Got a flat tire in the bike but they let me finish without a time. (Race 2) During the open water swim I started to back stroke and turned myself around. I ended up going the wrong direction. The lifeguard had to boat out to me to let me know I was going the opposite direction. Embarrassing! (Race 3) I didn't train properly and it took 18 minutes in the pool for a 400 m swim. Embarrassing!
- Why the Half Ironman: Why not? I love setting a goals for myself. I figure if I didn't do this I would just sit around and not exercise. I need to get fit and healthy for my family. I figure by doing the races I would have to exercise and eat better.
- Weakest leg of the triathlon: I am weak in all three sports but I am most scared of the swim. I started adult swim lessons in January 2008. When I started I could only doggie paddle. After months of lessons, I can now swim 1000 yards without stopping.
- Toughest Challenge: Losing weight so I can gain some speed. I've logged hours and hours of exercise and the weight is just now starting to come down a little. I know if I was about 20 pounds lighter I could do better.
- Biggest Fan: Probably my daughter. She always thinks I am going to win the race no matter how many people are competing.
- What color is your bike helmet: Bright Yellow so people see me coming.
- Did you name your bike: Not yet. I'm trying to think of something witty but nothing is sticking.
- What have you enjoyed most so far about training: Taking long bike rides with my husband Ron. It is like "date night" on wheels!
- What have you enjoyed the least about training: Having my body not able to go as fast as I want it too!
- What is your Half Ironman goal: I want to finish the triathlon and meet all of the cut off times. I'm afraid I might be too slow for the race.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Documenting our Journey
This summer we have laid the ground work for success. We have started running, bought road bikes, taken swim lessons and tried a small triathlon. I think we are on the right track. Over the next 34.5 weeks we will document our training, our set backs, and our fun along the way. Join us on this wild ride!